Vista Eyes Dry Eye Spa
85% of Australians have experienced dry, irritated or watery eyes and, of those:
- 55% say they only started to experience the issue in 2020 or more recently
- 13% of dry eye sufferers incorrectly believe that nothing can be done to relieve their symptoms, when in fact, the condition can be managed through treatments that increase tear production, maintain tear volume or prevent excess loss of tears. 1
Step 1.
Discover your 5 step journey to treating and managing Dry Eyes
Book an Assessment
Call Vista Eyes Dry Eye Spa on 03 8532 5000 or enter your details to request an initial Dry Eye Assessment.
- No referral neeeded
- Conveniently located at 1 Ross Street, Elsternwick, Melbourne.
- Free on-site parking available
Step 2.
During your Dry Eye Assessment, your optometrist will perform various tests to identify the cause of your dry eyes and provide a diagnosis.
Step 3.
Action Plan
Your optometrist will develop a personalised action plan to treat your dry eyes.
Step 4.
For mild dry eyes: You may be offered a combination of solutions and/or warm compress masks for at-home treatment.
For moderate to severe dry eyes: The optometrist may use advanced dry eye equipment for in-clinic treatment as part of a comprehensive action plan.
Step 5.
Our team will assist you from your initial phone call through to managing your condition at home. You will receive an email address for any enquiries or clarifications and, of course, you can call us to speak to one of our friendly team members.
Follow-up dry eye examinations will be scheduled by your optometrist based on the cause and treatment of your condition.
Dry eye occurs when there are not enough tears on the front of the eye to lubricate effectively.
What are the Symptoms of Dry Eye?
Not everyone experiences dry eye the same way. If you experience the below symptoms, you may have dry eyes.
- A stinging, burning, gritty or scratchy sensation in your eyes
- Stringy mucus in or around your eyes
- Increased eye irritation from smoke or wind
- Eye fatigue
- Sensitivity to light
- Eye redness
- Foreign body sensation
- Contact lens intolerance
- Periods of excessive tearing, watery eyes
- Blurred vision, often worsening at the end of the day or after focussing for a prolonged period
What are the Causes of Dry Eye?
Some of the factors that cause or contribute to dry eyes include:
- ageing – tear production slows with advancing age
- menopause
- long periods of screen time
- medical conditions – auto immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and thyroid problems
- medication – including oral contraceptives, antidepressants, antihistamines, retinoids, diuretics and beta-blockers
- climatic conditions – such as dry air and wind
- irritants – such as cigarette smoke, dust or chemical exposure
- eyelid conditions – such as blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids), trauma to the eye (including burns) and ectropion (outward turning of the eyelid)
- infrequent or incomplete blinking
- refractive surgery, such as laser and / or cataract surgery
Each individual is different, and your unique treatment option will be formulated and discussed with you during your assessment with an optometrist. After your initial assessment we will tailor a treatment plan specifically for your dry eye condition. We offer a variety of dry eye treatments.
To help you at home we offer:
- At-home dry eye relief pack
- Customised over the counter OR prescription eye drops
- Tear drop supplements, specifically recommended for your type of dry eye
Specialised Procedures, offering innovative treatments:
BlephEx Treatment
BlephEx® is a safe and effective in-clinic procedure designed to clean and exfoliate the edge of the eyelids, specifically targeting the area where bacterial biofilm, excess bacteria, and bacterial toxins tend to accumulate. This accumulation can lead to various eyelid symptoms, such as itching, redness, irritation, and dryness. By addressing these underlying causes, BlephEx® helps maintain clean and healthy eyelids.
During the BlephEx® treatment, your optometrist will use a medical-grade handheld device that gently and precisely exfoliates the base of the eyelashes and the eyelid margins. This exfoliation process effectively removes the accumulated debris, biofilm, and bacterial toxins from the eyelids, providing relief from symptoms associated with conditions like blepharitis and dry eye syndrome.
The procedure lasts about 10-20 minutes. Most patients simply report a tickling sensation.
Typically patients find that they have good relief from their blepharitis following the treatment and can manage their symptoms more easily with their home therapies. In most cases, patients prefer to have the procedure repeated every 6 – 12 months to continue their relief.
IPL – Optimal Power Energy®
IPL – Optimal Power Energy® IPL is a polychromatic light that, thanks to thermal pulses, stimulates the Meibomian glands to resume normal activity. Applied to the periorbital and cheekbone areas, it stimulates contraction of the glands, increasing the lipid stream and reducing the evaporation of tears. It’s used in conjunction to Light Modulation® LLLT to obtain optimal results.
This is a state-of-the-art treatment with time efficiency and a clinically proven way to manage dry eye. OPE® IPL is considered the BEST option to treat dry eye as it targets a number of different areas:
- Warms and liquifies before meibomian oil gland expression
- Stimulates meibomian glands, enhancing collagen synthesis
- Decreases inflammation (allows glands to heal)
- Antibacterial and antiparasitic effects (combats blepharitis)
- Connective tissue rejuvenation, decreasing blocked glands
- Clinical studies to prove 90% satisfaction rate after 2 treatments (4 is recommended)

Meibomian Oil Gland Expression
This is a simple therapy to open the glands in your lower eyelids if they have become blocked. Following the IPL treatment, an expression is performed with a special instrument used by the optometrist to clear the glands of the blocked oils.
Light Modulation® Low Level Light Therapy (LM® LLLT)
LM® LLLT is a unique, completely painless photobiomodulation technology employed in various fields of medicine (e.g., dermatology, dentistry). The emission of light at a specific wavelength triggers an endogenous heating of the eyelids. This treatment eases the spill of the tear film’s oily component from the Meibomian glands, stabilizing the lipid layer and providing immediate relief to the patient.
Red mask – used for inflammation reduction, ATP Production
Use: MGD, Chalazion, Sjogren Syndrome, Stye Blepharitis, pre/post refractive surgery
Blue mask – used for bacteria elimination
Use: Demodex. Blepharitis, Chalazion
LM® LLLT) Video

Punctal plugs
Punctal plugs help to alleviate the symptoms of dry eye by conserving the natural tears and any artificial tears used to lubricate the eye. Your optometrist will assess the severity of the dry eye and decide whether punctal plugs are an appropriate treatment. The type and size of the plug are also determined based on the patient’s specific needs. The procedure is quick and performed in-clinic. The eye area is cleaned, and anesthetic drops may be applied to minimise discomfort. The plug is inserted into the punctum (the opening of the tear duct) using a special applicator. It is a relatively painless process.
For Healthcare professionals:
Low Level Light and Intense Pulsed Light Therapy for the Treatment of Dry Eye Disease | Karl Stonecipher, MD
Case Reports with Dr. Claudio Iovino – LM® LLLT for Dry AMD: Espansione Group’s LightWave I
- Optometry Australia 2022 Vision Index Report: