Vista Eyes and Lions Recycle for Sight

At Vista Eyes, we are proud supporters of Lions Recycle for Sight Australia.


Lions Recycle for Sight Australia is part of the Lions Clubs International Worldwide Eyeglass Recycling Program with headquarters in Queensland and operating throughout Australia and overseas.

Since the Australian operation began in 1991, this important initiative has delivered over 7 million pairs of refurbished quality glasses to men, women and children in need across Africa, Asia, Middle East, Oceania and Europe. The reach of the program extends to some of the most remote villages on earth, with Lions Recycle for Sight Australia members travelling to these areas to assess eyesight and deliver glasses to those in need.

And our part? After visiting Vista Eyes, our patients obviously no longer need their otherwise perfectly good glasses.  Since joining the program in 2003, we have collected over 10,000 pairs of our patients’ unwanted glasses and donated them to Lions Recycle for Sight Australia. You will see our ongoing collection of glasses in our waiting area!

Once the glasses are received by Lions Recycle for Sight Australia’s headquarters in Queensland, they are cleaned, graded and labelled before being distributed to their new owners overseas.

With the program’s annual target of 450,000 glasses to be distributed to adults and children in developing countries every year, every pair you can spare counts.

So how can you donate your unwanted specs?  If you have any unused or unwanted glasses, simply visit us at Vista Eyes and leave them in the large glass bowl in our waiting area – and help support this important program.

For more information on Lions Recycle for Sight Australia visit: